Minggu, 19 Januari 2014

Learn To Be Lucky

In June 1980, Maureen Wilcox became one of the US lottery’s biggest losers. She chose the winning numbers for both the Rhode Island and Massachusetts lotteries. But unfortunately for her, the numbers she picked for the Rhode Island lottery were the correct ones for the Massachusetts lottery, and vice versa.
We all know lucky people they have good relationships, successful careers and are very satisfied with their lives. But what makes them so lucky? Dr Richard Wiseman has spent ten years studying luck and has found that lucky people have a completely different approach to the world.

The results of his work revealed that people aren’t born lucky. Instead, fortunate people behave in a way that creates good luck in their lives.
·      They notice opportunities that happen by chance more often than unlucky people. They are also more open to meeting new people and having new experiences.
·      They tend to make good decisions by listening to their intuition.
·      They’re optimists and are certain that the future is going to be full of good luck. This positive attitude often makes good things happen.
·      They’re also good at coping with bad luck and often cheer themselves up by imagining things could be worse than they are.

Dr Wiseman tested his ideas by starting a luck school, where he hoped that unlucky people could learn to be lucky. 400 volunteers spent a month doing exercises to help them think and act like a lucky person. These exercises helped the volunteers spot opportunities that happen accidentally, trust their intuition more, feel sure they’re going to be lucky and become better at dealing with bad luck. The results were dramatic and showed that 80% of the volunteers were now happier and more content with their lives and most important of all, luckier.

Dr Wiseman’s ideas won’t help you win the lottery, but they might help you in your day to day life- finger crossed!

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